Who doesn’t love standardized tests!? Well, in ‘Teen Killers Club’ by Lily Sparks, the ‘Wylie-Stanton’ test has become notorious for finding possible or soon-to-be criminals, serial killers, the whole shebang. Society treats it as a fact, going as far as seeking legislation against those who test Class A. The main character of the story, Signal Deere, tested as Class A. She also murdered her best friend. Or at least that’s what she’s been convicted of. Now, she’s in a covert government program, being trained to be an assassin. Signal has never harmed a fly, but in the blink of an eye, she finds herself surrounded by real Class A’s with chilling body counts. Yet through the intense and gory training, she somehow ends up living her teenage romance fantasies, from first kisses to love triangles.

Intense. Thrilling. Comical.


Unexpectedly, ‘Teen Killers Club’ had me clutching my pearls at times. The abuse of power and dystopia is evident, but it can be quite shocking to get those cruel reminders. I thoroughly enjoyed the thrill; it truly felt like anything could happen and that kept me on my toes.

My first introduction to this series was actually the second book, ‘Teen Killers in Love’. I felt silly when I realized I had skipped the first book, but after reading, I think it’s optional. Even so, it was interesting learning more backstory and Signal’s experience at camp. Particularly, the origin of the love triangle! I wasn’t a fan of [redacted] in the second book, nor did I think his relationship with Signal compared to [redacted] but now that’s changed. He can be… something, at times, but he really does care for her and can be incredibly sweet. I was torn on how to feel about the love triangle and who to root for at times. Besides the romance, I loved getting to know the other Class A’s more. I already fancied Nobody and Dennis from the second book, so I loved reading about them here as well.

This book was an easy read, I read about 50-100 pages each time I picked it up, the only reason why it took me 2 weeks to finish is because I was scared of what was going to happen next. Honestly, I do that with so many books it’s my toxic trait. But seriously, fun and exciting read! It does reads a bit childish but that’s to be expected. I will say, some parts did seem a bit strange on the Authors part. Anyways, I mainly read this so I can get the full story before getting the newly released third book: ‘Teen Killers at Large’.

Now I shall reread the second book: ‘Teen Killers in Love’. I wonder if I’ll still love it… probably!

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  1. I read this book because of you! I really enjoyed it. I agree that it was a bit childish and sometimes ???, but I feel like other aspects of the book were really well done. Have you read the fourth book?

    1. NAUR literally some parts were odd??😭 but i’m glad you enjoyed it too!! it’s so fun. I haven’t started the next book, I need to!!