Everything Now: The Worst Relationship Combos I’ve Ever Seen
This fall, Netflix released “Everything Now,” the series follows the journey of Mia Polanco as she attempts to reintegrate into society after recovering from anorexia. I personally found this to be a very pleasant watch, there’s a lot of fun exciting drama but also serious impactful moments, some of which helped me gain more perspective on eating disorders.
However, the relationships on this show are DEEPLY flawed. It’s as if someone wrote the characters names down, put them in a jar, and pulled at random to decide who should date who. Anyone watching can see the chemistry is off for nearly every pairing, it’s outrageous.

The Lackluster Relationships
First Flop
Starting with the first couple that had me almost cross-eyed trying to understand, we have Becca and Cameron.

When they teased Becca having a secret summer fling, Cameron was the last person I thought it’d be. Listen, I’m gay and everything so I’m not saying this to be petty or mean, but I thought Cameron was gay, so I was shocked to see them canoodling. Of course, bisexual/queer men exist but damn! Becca and Cam just aren’t compatible in my eyes and it felt so awkward, especially in the beginning. It wasn’t until the end that I got a little more okay with them, but in Stockholm kind of way.
The writers after putting Becca and Cam together:

They just have better chemistry with other characters, especially Becca. Honestly, Becca’s so likeable she could have chemistry with a fish. This pairing was only the start and compared to the other couples, they’re not so bad. But both Becca and Cam are gay in my head regardless and would be better suited with their respective partners.
Second Flop
These pictures may look promising, but Mia and Carli’s “relationship” was merely a fantasy.

Mia’s attraction to Carli was largely based on Carli not knowing about her eating disorder. In the beginning, the prospect of Carli finding out made Mia extremely anxious. But there’s just no way you can get into a relationship with someone and never talk about the bad things. She just wanted to live in La La Land and I understand why, but it’d never work out. Mia didn’t want to be seen as a problem that needed fixing, that’s why she held onto Carli as long as she could. When they ran away together, their day of fun was interrupted when Carli suggested they finally eat some food. That’s when Mia broke down because her “escape” was no longer ignoring her troubles.
Besides Mia’s delusions, their relationship was so boring and fake. It wasn’t exciting or passionate, just a shallow surface-level connection. I also didn’t care for Carli as a character and Mia fares well with someone else.
Third Flop
Another stale Mia relationship, her and Alison.

I literally prayed they wouldn’t end up together when I suspected Alison was a lesbian. Their entire relationship was a mess and it never gave girlfriends, it gave: girls who are friends. Their random hookup led to them being together and it just seemed like Mia was scared to hurt her feelings so she strung her along. But even though Alison liked Mia more, she had strange way of showing it.
Alison doesn’t seem to know how to read a room and interpret how things may be perceived. Her posting about Mia’s disorder on a social media and using the hashtag [sponsored] was the last straw for me. Before that I liked her because I thought I could get over her tone deaf-ness. But she just goes too far and the cluelessness is a huge ick, as well as disrespectful toward Mia. I meaning, inviting a bunch of strangers who were gossiping about her the week prior to her birthday party instead of an intimate get together with her close friends? Like she explicitly asked you to do? The lights are on, but I fear nobody’s home.
Now that I got my Alison lick in, let’s go back to Mia. She was flirting with Carli while being in this “relationship” and even got caught by Alison herself. Mia’s people pleasing habits caused so much unnecessary drama, was it so hard to tell Alison you didn’t want to be with her? That it was just a one-time thing? Or at least be faithful? Nothing about their relationship gave *we’re dating, we’re partners*! Partners in crime maybe? They were a fun investigative duo when it came to uncovering a supposed affair, but romantically? They’re severely lacking. Alison was the only one who seems genuinely interested, while Mia… was just… there? Minus the hookup, all her interactions with Alison were platonic in my eyes. Where’s the romance? Yawn.
Fourth Flop
After her split with Cameron, Becca started seeing Jonah.

This relationship was very much a rebound. After Cameron’s disregard for her feelings and inability to seek a real relationship with her, Becca felt insecure. When Jonah showed interest in being with her romantically, even if she didn’t like him as much, she indulged because it felt nice to be courted. Becca herself said Jonah makes her feel good about herself, which I think she deserves. She’s no longer shacking it up with Cameron in a dark corner but being shown off by Jonah. Still, it’s clear that the relationship isn’t going to last. She wants to like him as much as she does Cameron, but she simply doesn’t. I feel this is an attempt to piss him off and also feel good about herself.
This is the classic, weeklong high school relationship: Popular girl dates Jock. Not the worst combination but definitely a facade.
Fifth Flop
Now this pairing has to be the worst by far, ladies and gentlemen, we have Carli and Cameron.

This couple was so random and awkward, like I’m sorry but what is going on? The moment Cameron talked about his struggles with Carli, he suddenly developed deep feelings for her, and I think it was misplaced. In my opinion, if he had a therapist, I wouldn’t be typing this right now. For some reason Cam didn’t tell any of his friends what was going on in his life, he just kept it to himself. So, when Carli was there to listen and comfort him, that meant a lot, but I’m sure anyone would’ve done so if he’d chosen to confide in them. I know Becca would’ve been very supportive, and if Cam or Becca had better communication skills, they would’ve already been a genuine couple with emotional intimacy instead of just ‘sneaky links’.
While I did feel Cam and Carli had a MINOR connection, it wasn’t enough for an actual relationship. Cam was not over Becca, and even confronted her and Jonah in a jealous rage. Plus, Carli also wasn’t over Mia, so they weren’t actually present in their relationship, just using each other to cope. (While also avoiding each other)
Here we have: Will and Theo.

I actually really like this pairing, I just don’t like Theo. As a character, he screams Libra and I don’t think he has the balls to stand up for Will if it ever came down to it. I truly don’t understand how he can be friends with the jockey-incel types, and then be with Will. He seems to be really understanding and talks a good game, but again, he’s friends with everyone, including weirdos. A friend to all is a friend to none. Where do your values lie? He seems disingenuous at times and I don’t want to see him hurt Will.
But even as a Libra hater, I can’t deny their chemistry and compatibility. I loved seeing them together and Theo truly empathizes with Will in such a beautiful way. I love that he respects his boundaries and truly cares for him. Surprisingly, Theo isn’t afraid to embrace Will in public which I adore, I expected them to keep it on the low. So yeah, I did just talk a bunch of sh!#, but I think Theo is a great partner for Will. This pairing is Top 3 on the show, if not number 1. Their relationship depicts actual romance, they express their feelings in such a vulnerable way which is it’s nice to see. I’m glad they found each other, and that Theo took the first steps because I don’t think Will would’ve approached him in that manner.

Also, the tub scene was super cute, they’re such a wholesome couple.
My Ideal Pairings
Becca & Mia
I’m going to be honest, this is the only pairing I really want— no, NEED to see.

They’re a match made in heaven, but the writers insisted on playing in our faces the entire season. When Mia first came back and embraced Becca, I assumed they were girlfriends of sorts. The love they displayed felt so romantic and them sharing that kiss made it next to impossible to see them as just friends. Their chemistry came naturally, it didn’t feel fake or forced, and none of their other love interests even came close to them.
Even though Mia and Becca had their fair share of highs and lows, they always found a way back to each other. For example, their intense argument escalated into a full-blown screaming match but ended with a heartfelt embrace. Moments like that go to show that no fight, big or small, can break their bond.
Mia & Becca: A Love Story
I don’t even think I’m delusional for thinking they’ve been set up for the classic friends-to-lovers, slow-burn trope. The writers prepared their scenes in a way I feel sets the foundation for a promising romance. If this show gets renewed for Season 2, I expect Mia and Becca’s romantic possibilities to be explored. Given the way the other characters have been shuffled around, they shouldn’t have a problem giving these two a chance. Seriously, I’ve suffered watching some of these couples, it’s only fair I finally get some good food!
Alex & Izzy
The cutest couple award goes to:

From the beginning, I could tell that they were going to be together. Their interests and academics align so well, their compatibility is clear as day. I love how sweet Izzy is and that she doesn’t judge Alex or care what people think. After his scandal, I was worried she wouldn’t be interested anymore, but alas, she still had heart eyes for him. They’re such an adorable couple that brings some much-needed light to the show!
Bad Couples = Good Drama?
When I mentioned the god-awful relationships on the show, people said it was ‘forced diversity’, but that’s not cutting it for me. I don’t know what the writers’ goals were but it’s crazy that most of the couples were a terrible match. They must’ve known that, right? It seems somewhat deliberate, but ultimately, we’re talking about with teenagers who are dealing with a lot of crazy hormones and feelings. Honestly, I can’t be too critical considering it basically mirrors the typical high school experience.
SO… Who are your favorite couples on Everything Now?
This show was great, but yeah I agree that the relationships made absolutely NO sense at all. If they ever decide to make a season 2, they’d better give us the satisfaction of making relationships that not only make sense, but also heal more of the characters, such as Cam. (I also agree that Cam’s character stood out as gay. Literally to this day I can’t imagine him as anything else and I just finished the show!)
literally! I just feel like they purposely made the relationships bad when it could’ve added more to the show instead of random chaos. and I hope Cam’s queerness is explored if theres a S2 bec aint no way! lmao
ur literally so funny i loved ur commentary !! i didnt even think of becca + mia as a possibility. DEF need to rewatch. thanks for writing this !!!
thank you!! LOL
i genuinely cackled 😭 more tv/movie reviews please! and I would love some more insightful observations like design choices, foreshadowing, character arcs and more. great read 😸
haha tysm!!! yess that sounds interesting!
Omg the Libra hate is crazy, what did we do😭. But honestly I do agree with how badly the show paired everyone together, it was just a lot of toxicity, and I think it could’ve been develop better. Especially considering this is a show about EDs, but I loved it, and I really liked how they didn’t just focus on Mia and her journey with her ED and also addressed how it impacts the person struggling’s entire community🫶🏾
LMAO SORRRYY. and yes i agree!! honestly if it was only focused on Mia i don’t think it would be good… I don’t rlly like her character ^.^ her friends carried imo!